On the Night of First Fridays July 3rd. We had a provision miracle! While I was preaching and reading from the book of
Deut 28. About the Blessing of Abraham. We had someone who walked in and gave us all at big box full of goodies from StarBucks.
He said God told him to come down bring this to us. Pretty cool!
God is supplying are needs. God is our source!!! Amen!
On Friday Night at First Fridays Revival meeting on June 5th, I had a strange thing that happened. After the intense meeting
I went to pack up my equipment. I noticed that my guitar stand was melted. Yes my guitar stand melted. The rubber part on
top of my guitar stand was all melted. Also I noticed that the metal part was rusted. It looked like it been through heavy
fire. I showed it to several people at the church to witness, this. They were all in shock. "I guess you were really
hot play tonight" joking in amazement. After all that excitement, what about my guitar. I went to check out my guitar.
I notice that my guitar was fine. No damage. Some how my guitar stand was the only thing melted, but my guitar was not. Now
that is a miracle.
What is God doing!! I don't know. But what ever he wants to do It's all right, He is God. Signs and wonders. Unexplainable
I say.